
Beachhead definition is - an area on a hostile shore occupied to secure further landing of troops and supplies. We were visitied by the guys at Everybody Dice YouTube channel and they mentioned us in their Beachhead 2020 report. Please check it out and of course subscribe etc. It was great to see you guys and I’m glad you really loved your Carnevale demo, it looked like you were having great fun with James.

The core play of the Beach Head videogame series has been you, the gunner in a turret fighting off waves of attackers from the land, sea, and air with modern weaponry. Beach Head 2020 takes the original gameplay concept and brings you into a fictional world created by graphic novelist Pepe Moreno (Read graphic novels Rebel, Generation Zero, and War Zone (aka Zeppelin) and you'll get a good idea of the Beach Head world). Although the core play of Beach Head (that won over millions of fans and spawned several sequels) is still there, the gameplay has now been expanded into several storylines, as well as a fully interactive virtual world.
The following images explore the design process involved in updating the (you-gunner-turret) core gameplay of the original Beach Head game to the science fiction based world of Beach Head 2020, where the player will be defending the Beach Head with multiple futuristic weapons from a turret atop an armored bunker train.
Concept Sketch by Jose Ladronn of the defensive bunker system.
Concept Sketch by Jose Ladronn of the defensive bunker system.

Concept Sketch by Jose Ladronn of the defensive bunker system. Evolved into a Gun Train Track Battery.

3D Rendering of the Bunker Train (Exterior).

3D Rendering of the Bunker Train (Interior).

Beach Head 2002 Windows 10

Bunker Train - Game Test

Bunker Train - Game Test

Bunker Train - Game Test

Bunker Train - Game Test
Beach head 2000 gameFree
Developer/Designer Pepe Moreno is working with Designer/Digital Architect Jose Ladronn to create the most fantastic urban futurescape for combat, adventure and social interaction in the world of Beach Head 2020. Please visit digitalfusiongames.com for more info.

Beach Head 2000 Game

Set to release on Steam Early Access on 15th December, Digital Fusion's upcoming shooter/virtual life title BeachHead 2020 is as confusing as it is ambitious. Setting out to combine addictive, high-stakes first-person turret action (in the vein of the earlier BeachHead 2000) with an in-depth MMO-style virtual life complete with its own crypto-economy, BeachHead 2020 brings a lot to the table (including VR support). Can the studio make its grand vision a reality? Time will tell; all we can do now is imagine along with the game's passionate team.

Set in a world shaped by eternal war, players in BeachHead 2020 will fight from behind powerful turrets (in VR or not), mowing down legions of tyrannical leader Musso-Kahn's military forces. When not fighting, however, they'll have time to relax and exist in the 'real' world of BeachHead 2020, making a life for themselves and living in a simulation of reality along with other real-world BeachHead 2020 players. With a living in-game marketplace and economy, Digital Fusion hope to see players forging business, buying goods and forging a life for themselves that mirrors the real-world.

Conceptual representation of BeachHead 2020's city, a part of the game not set for release until 2022.

Confused? We don't blame you. For more information, you can check out the development team talk about the game in the video above, or else click on the Steam page here. There's a lot to unpack with BeachHead 2020; in a similar way to Star Citizen, even if you aren't interested in playing the game itself, it'll be fascinating to see where this project leads.

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BeachHead 2020 releases on Steam Early Access on the 15th December.